Larry Skero, Jr

Senior Pastor

First of all, I just want to say, “Thank you Lord for my salvation! If not for the Cross, how could a person make heads or tails of this life!”

As the Pastor of Grace Covenant, I want to share the vision of our ministry. We believe that the Gospel must be preached to the entire world. Knowing that, more churches need to be planted and the family of God must grow to maturity and holiness. When these principles are being practiced, we know that God is glorified, our personal families will become healthy, and we will grow in our walk with the Lord. Soli Deo Gloria!

Our hope at Grace Covenant is that our pastoral staff will aid this body to grow spiritually and get to know God in a personal way. We desire to use our time, talents, and treasures to preach and proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Together, we serve the body as an act of worship to the King of Kings! What we have learned, we minister to our families first, then we minister to others outside of our homes.

Thank you for setting aside this day to spend time with us worshipping the Lord. As the Pastor of this flock, always know that the door is open if you have a need. We are striving to make Christ known in this community and are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us!

In Christ, Pastor Larry Skero. 

Larry Skero, Sr


I was saved while serving in the Navy at 17 years of age in 1964. I received a calling into the ministry after getting out of the Navy and as a member of Harmony Baptist Church.
We moved to Marlow, Oklahoma to attend Marlow Seminary. Later moved to  Jacksonville, Texas and attended Jacksonville Seminary.
After this, I received a call to Colonial Hills Baptist Church in the Aldine area as an associate pastor. At this time, my pastor of seven years preached my ordination service on January 12, 1945.
Since then, I have pastored three different churches, one of which I started upon my retirement in Livingston, Texas.
Currently, I'm serving as an elder at Grace Covenant Baptist in Porter, Texas.

David Lagrone


God called me into the ministry to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a Masters in Theology. Through the teaching of God’s word, I believe it will instill family values, help prevent divorces, and provoke men to be God fearing leaders. My heart is that ALL will be taught by hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through evangelism, young men and their families put Christ and His church as the foundation of life, therefore enduring the storms that this world brings. Bringing all people to know our Lord God, and learn that He is to be glorified and lifted up in everything that we do.

Craig Koen

Music Pastor

It is my honor to be given the opportunity to bring God’s people before the throne every week as we offer our praise to the Everlasting God. At Grace Covenant, we seek to sing songs to the Triune God that offer praise, thankfulness and supplication. There are many styles of worship and we offer a multifaceted approach to worship with two guiding principles: is it scriptural and is it praise worthy? Join us for an exciting time of worship.

Kari Skero

Church Administrator

I am Pastor Larry's wife. I feel that my first calling is to support my husband and his headship of the church body. I have come alongside him, for many years, as a help mate as described in Genesis 2:18. Secondly, my role as a mother to four dear souls is of utmost importance to me. I am to be a Godly example to our children, day in and day out. They are a ministry in itself! It is the greatest calling of all! At GCBC, I have held every role from teacher, to nursery coordinator, women's ministry, children's ministry, prayer warrior, hospitality coordinator, meals ministry, encourager, and all around clean up gal! I have done it all and I serve anywhere I am needed. My heart is for the people, of all ages and backgrounds, to come to know the saving grace of the Lord and to serve Him wholeheartedly, all the days of my Life. 2 Peter 3:9 

Marie LaGrone

Church Administrator

I am called to administer to those in ministry and to advance the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. By doing all necessary functions to free ministers so that they have the time to minister to others and to help them know Jesus Christ. I am also called to teach and minister to women and children.

Vance King

Lead Deacon

I have been a deacon for GCBC since the beginning of the ministry. I believe in serving God first and give all glory to Him. 

David Trollope


I became a deacon with the desire to serve the Lord by taking care of the church body by any means necessary. I dedicate myself to do what I can, learn how I can do better, and find ways to glorify the Lord.